Russel + Grey St Upgrade

Sturdy construction to withstand the toughest treatment

About the Project

When the Southbank Precinct of Grey Street and Russell Street was recently upgraded, Urban Fountains and Furniture worked in consultation with Bland2Brilliant Landscaping to supply Anti-slip Tree Grates, KP guards and Aston Bins. The street furniture items, all exclusive to Urban, were manufactured for the project with a stress on durability.

The Aston Bin is now synonymous with Grey and Russell Street of the Southbank Precinct and can be found extensively in this area. The no fuss, robust design has enabled the bins to remain installed with little ongoing maintenance requirements. A popular destination with many locals and tourists frequenting the precinct, it was imperative for the sturdy construction to withstand the toughest treatment from vandals. The Aston Bins can be found with red and yellow battens symbolising the difference from general waste to recycling waste.

The original Tree Grate design required additional up-light mounting points. Working from a sample light provided, Urban was able to fabricate mounting lugs that would ensure accurate fitting and positioning of the proposed lighting on site. The strikingly lit trees have provided a whole new experience at night for visitors to the precinct. In addition to the up-lights, an Anti-slip finish was applied to the grate. Urban’s anti-slip process has been tested and certified to Australian Standards, meeting the required ‘W’ rating for footpaths. Our sleek designed KP guards were used to provide tree trunk protection and to finish off the overall tree protection system.


A combination of attractiveness and durability, Urban’s street furniture have provided an uplifting addition to the Southbank precinct.


For a free quote on custom made street furniture call Urban Furniture on 07 3382 7372 or email [email protected]