TEDx Sydney live O fountain activation

TEDx 2019, Sydney

About the Project

Showcasing ‘Legacy’ Through A Live Art Activation.

The O initiative was invited to showcase the O fountain at TEDx Sydney 2019, an event of over 500,000 people. As part of this experience the O initiative:

  • Animated the ‘Hub’ with artist Jeff McCann painting a design reflective of the theme of the conference, ‘Legacy’
  • Showcased how Art can enhance public space and raise awareness of sustainability
  • Highlighted how infrastructure (public drinking fountains) can add social and environmental value to people and place
  • Inspired the community around an ‘idea worth sharing’ – making public drinking fountains an inviting experience
HUB | TEDxSydney 2019


The live activation could not have been made possible without the financial support of 3M and Haymes Paint.


For more information about this project get in touch with the Urban+ team.