Urban Fountains and Furniture were excited to work in consultation with JW Concepts and The University of Queensland, St Lucia, on the design and manufacture of custom made seating for their new open air courtyard.
Three separate types of seating were required. Custom designed curve seats, in ground modular seats and wall mounted seating for large planter boxes. All seating was to be made from galvanized steel RHS and Jarrah Hardwood for extreme strength and lasting durability.
The curved seats were manufactured to fit on top of in ground cast concrete blocks. The seats were 7.5m long and the timber had to be tapered to suit the radius of the seats. As the curved seating was to be mounted after the on site concrete formwork was done, accurate mounting jigs were manufactured to locate mounting points on the concrete blocks so that the seat would fit perfectly in to position.
Urban Fountains and Furniture worked closely with Quatro Design on the manufacturing of the seats that were to be mounted on their custom designed planter boxes. The seats not only had to be particularly strong but accuracy was vitally important as the seats were to meet on mitered corners and any small discrepancy would result in the seating not coming together. Anchors were cast in to the planter boxes to help with mounting on site.
All the Jarrah timber was carefully prepared and pre treated to reduce/ prevent tannin staining and then triple coated with an oil based protective treatment.