Due to the Covid-19 crisis some councils have decided as part of their park closures to turn off drinking bubblers in the interests of public health and safety. Urban wholeheartedly supports Councils in their decision to protect the health and well being of the general public at this time.
Daily exercise and dog walking is still actively encouraged whilst adhering to strict social distancing measures, so the ability to keep taps working to fill dog bowls and water bottle refills for personal hydration (in the absence of a working bubbler) is very important.

We can help
All Urban fountains with optional tap and dog bowl and bottle refill have the ability to isolate the water supply internally and stop the flow of water to the bubbler while preserving the flow to the tap or bottle refill. There is no need to switch off the water to the entire fountain unless that is Councils preferred decision.
Water Line Plugs are available free of charge from Urban with simple instructions on how to make these temporary changes within the fountain. Please contact us with how many plugs you require and we will get them to you overnight. We are also available to offer advice and support in any way that we can regarding our fountains and furniture cleaning/maintenance during this time. Contact us via the link or email direct to office